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I think 100 years is way too long a time period to do anything other than fantasize about tbh.

In 1920 the first world war had just ended. If you look back at predictions people were making then different people got very different things right about the future but almost noone got more than one thing right and those that were correct about some things were almost always very wrong about so many other things it makes you wonder if the things they were right about were simply the result of enough monkeys in enough people’s heads having enough typewriter time.

Even marxists probably would have given you a wildly different vision of the world politically and economicaly than the one we have now. In 1920 Mao was reading more Kroptokin than Marx and the Boksheviks were still fighting the White army in Siberia and expecting the rest of the industrial world to rise up and join them. Politicaly and economically the ones who were most right about the state of the world going forwards, were the bastards working on expanding the American Empire and that’s because they made a lot of it happen. Some of the most radicalising documents I read were the unsealed plans the American Empire builders made after and during each of the world wars. Even then, they were only able to vaguely predict the geopolitical position of the American Empire, nothing about its culture or what most people in it thought, felt or did with most of their days.

Human technological “development” seems to be speeding up exponentially with advancements in communications, information processing and manufacturing which feeds through into exponential increases in the speed of social/cultural/political change and the ability of humans to impact each other and the world around us. The next 100 years are probably going to be the more volatile for humanity than any hundred before it. Anyone willing to do more than give you an over under on whether “Africa” will exist either as geographically or as a culturally significant concept is almost certainly A) being overly reductive and B) wrong.


It seems pretty bold to assume “The West” will remain a unified political and economic hegemon able to dictate the political and economic fate of “Africa” for the next 100 years, that we have any idea which physical resources will be important 100 or even 50 years from now and even that in 100 years time nation states are the most significant political actors.


The nation state of Germany is barely 100 years old and the UK is already on the verge of breaking up. Why do you think they’ll remain coherent political bodies capable of dictating the fate of “Africa” 100 years into the future?


I think what I’m objecting to here is your assumption that socially and politically the world will essentially stay the course. That Capitalism, Imperialism, and Nationalism will continue to be the dominating forces in shaping the world and that capitalist/imperial power will continue to be wielded primarily by European and Amerian nation states and corporations.

I’m not proposing that the EU and NATO failing would cause the European continent to regress technologically or in terms of industrial capacity down to the terms of a “developing nation” and I think that the idea that that is what it would take for European capitalists and nation states not to be oppressing the people who live in Africa and stealing their resources 100 years from now comes from an unhelpfully linear and nationalistic view of history. The idea (which I’m not necesarily saying you hold btw) that it’s natural an inevitable for people to organise themselves into nation states and then take squabble over resources at the level of those nation states has done untold amounts of harm and I believe, is incompatible with socialism as it engenders and justifies a caste system based on the “nation” of your birth.

Class and other struggles and the social change they engender transcends the ways the elites of various nations think up to screw each other over and the latter is often used as a rhetorical device to distract from and obscure the former. By focusing on the things the people in control of different nation states order their subordinates to do in trying to envision what the future will be like I think we limit ourselves to futures where those people continue to hold power and exercise it by similar mechanisms and to similar ends as they do now.

I think that even over the past 5 centuries 100 years has been enough time for new social movements to be born and rise to power and the exponentially increasing technological advancements of the last five centuries particuarly in the areas of transport, communication, computing and robotics have and will continue to speed this up exponentially. I think that the scenario you presented in your first post relies on their being no such new social movements or great changes disrupting the nationalist, imperialist, capitalist powers which have dominated much of the world for the past 300 years. This to me seems, pessimistic, unlikely, and also what the capitalist imperialist nationalist fucks running and ruining our world would like us to believe, which is why I’m bothering to push back against the idea and the questions I was asking in my earlier posts were trying to get you to challenge/question those assumptions without having to spend an hour writing this (or this having been as clear in my head as it is now having spent the last hour writing it).

Interested in hearing your thoughts :)


I doubt it’s going to be as bad this year as last year. We usually get 3-4 years between really bad bushfire seasons as it takes a while for all the fuel to build up again.


TBF Anarcho-Capitalist was one of the memiest options so I’m kind of shocked it got as few picks as it did.


Thesis: Train Gang

Antithesis: Anarcho-Primitivism



Yeah it sucks. Capitalism has made large portions of the internet straight up unusable without adblockers these days.

If you haven’t already I’d install

Ublock Origin for PC browsing

Firefox Link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/

Chrome Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en

And Brave browser for mobile browsing (the team are good people but also techbro libertarian nerds so you have to choose the no ads option instead of the get payed in cryptocurrency for watching ads option)

Apple Link: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/brave-private-web-browser/id1052879175

Google Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brave-private-web-browser-vpn/id1052879175

Additionally, if you’re angry at the people doing this and want to stop them building a profile of your browsing habits even if they can’t use it for targetted ads

Trace: https://absolutedouble.co.uk/trace/

and Privacy Badger: https://privacybadger.org/

Are excellent projects


Woke: Brutalist architecture

Broke: Using Brutalist architecture to glorify murderous conquerors who ordered the murder of tens and thousands and the displacements of hundreds of thousands in the process of lebensrauming up enough land to form an empire.

Fucking Destitute: Doing the above as a nation building excercise and literally cementing an empire building mass murderer as the nation’s glorious founder

ARGHJGGFDHDFJHGFDBGFDHJ: Doing the above as an ostensibly Marxist Lenininst state.

Cool statue though.


Or if not at least to preview what it’s gonna look like before posting?
